Elaboration of a contract specifying the modalities of collaboration, the reciprocal engagements as well as the deontological limit
Definition of developmental objectives
Starting from the Reasoned Autobiography (H. Desroche) or the Experiential Profile (J.L. Dumont and M.C. Saint Pé), written work on the subjects of the life story linked with the project of the person
Maieutic questioning: mobilizing the resources and potential personnel
Problem solving: identification of reoccurring, non-resolved problems
Valorization of acquired competences using experiential planning
Synthesis of the end of the interview
Editing of a journal
Proposing activities to be done with regards to the attainable objective
A creative map
Identification of values of reference
Interview of explicitation (P. Vermersch)
Elaboration of a plan of action
Synthesis of an approach and an evaluation of attained objectives