Réseau des professionnels de l'accompagnement et de l'intervention par la recherche-action

Supporting the Approach

  • Contractualisation of the approach with the institution and the group

  • Mixed presentation of participants and their practices

  • Elaboration of an initial question destined to launch the work of the group

  • Editing of a workshop journal after each session of work. The journal serves as a guiding conductor throughout the approach.

  • Inventory of fixtures: diagnostic of the situation attained and its context

  • Formulation of the problem to be resolved

  • Elaboration of a hypothesis of work


  • Collection of data: interview, questionnaire, observation, documentation, a study of the case


  • Analysis and interpretation of collected information


  • Verification of the hypothesis


  • Elaboration of a plan of action


  • Evaluation from criterias of reference



Translated by Serge Gligoric